YOU can AND should ATTEND YLP, |
ScholarshipsScholarships are available to all students with a financial need to attend. Scholarships are funded by outside businesses, schools, churches, scout programs, non-profit organizations, or other groups. Scholarships are granted on a financial need, first-come, first served basis. Scholarships may be granted from 10%-100% of the program costs based on need and availability. If your family can afford it, please pay your own way!We believe every student deserves the opportunity to participate, regardless of financial circumstances. Thanks to our generous donors, scholarships are available for families who need assistance. If your family is able to pay the program costs, we kindly encourage you to do so. Your support helps us allocate resources to those who need them most, ensuring more students can benefit from our programs. Together, we can make a difference! SponsorshipsMany students who attend Young Leaders Program receive sponsorships that are supported by a business, school, organization, or other group. If you represent an entity that would be interested in supporting future leaders to attend, please email [email protected] for information. Scholarship Process
| What it CostsYoung Leaders Program has a number of costs associated with it. These costs include:
Since COVID, costs have gone up dramatically so now the actual cost of a student to attend is $1500 and this is the amount we ask of sponsors. Families pay what they can, and in many cases that amount is ZERO and that's fine! You will not be treated any different based and no one will know about your financial ability to pay or not. Scholarship information is confidential. If you have any questions or concerns about how scholarships work, call or text 503-893-8939. |
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