Here are the things you will need to be successful at YL 2024. Check-in: Please check in the new Science Building called Graf-Keck Hall which is on Linfield Avenue right across from Renshaw Avenue. Please view the map above for the check in area highlighted in red.
Boundaries: The Red dashed line indicates program boundaries. The purple lines are where students may go with staff for special events. Students should not leave the program boundaries without permission from the Superintendent. Students who go past those boundaries without permission from the Superintendent will be sent home. The parents of all students attending Young Leaders Program must sign the Unified Waiver and Consent Form in order to attend. This form may be downloaded and signed then brought to check-in. If it is not on file prior to check-in, the parent will need to sign it during the check-in process.
Young Leaders Program is just over a month away. Time to start thinking about the supplies you will need! We have a standard uniform that all students wear during the entire time they are at Young Leaders Program. This includes a red polo shirt which we provide, and black slacks that you provide.
Young Leaders is pleased to partner with The University of Colorado to provide up to three semester hours of political science elective credits.
Leadership for the Next Generation: Citizenship and Community Service (PSC 1510) Tuition is not included in the YL Program fees and is paid separately. Registration Period: 13 May through 15 July 2024 Academic Semester: 10 June through 3 August 2024
At Young Leaders Program there are Rules and there are Laws. Find out the distinction between these important concepts and learn about the YLProgram Laws in this important post. Includes: